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Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus 2022 Download Exam Pattern Hindi & English

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus 2022 Download Exam Pattern Hindi & English रेलवे एएलपी सहायक लोको पायलट परीक्षा सिलेबस 2022 डाउनलोड परीक्षा पैटर्न हिंदी और अंग्रेजी=)

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – Look at the RRB ALP Syllabus. The Railway Recruitment Board has discharged the colossal opportunities for the post of RRB Assistant Loco Pilot. Applicants who have applied for Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam are presently looking for the schedule. This article gives you the data with respect to RRB ALP Syllabus.

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – Applicants who are standing by to fabricate an ideal profession can utilize this brilliant open door for a safe life. The schedule for the Online trial of RRB ALP is accessible through our web-based interface RRB ALP Syllabus Applicants ought to be solid and steady to split the composed test of RRB ALP.

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – Applicants are encouraged to continue visiting the RRB site or our site to think about the prospectus. In this article, I will give you the data about RRB Assistant Loco Pilot Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2022. Railroad Recruitment Board will before long lead the CBT (Computer based test) for the applicants who have applied for Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam.

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus Many occupation searchers are making a decent attempt at any rate to round out the opening. The concede cards for the test will be discharged in the long stretch of August 2022. The competitors who will go to the CBT test for RRB ALP ought to basically know the prospectus. Thus, I will give you the itemized schedule of the composed test for the up-and-comers.

RRB ALP Loco Pilot Exam Pattern 

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – RRB’s first phase of CBT is a fitness test comprises of 75 inquiries for an hour time length. The second phase of CBT is of two sections PART An and PART B. Section An is likewise an inclination test however of 100 inquiries with an hour and a half time limit. PART B comprises of inquiries of important exchange of 75 inquiries for an hour time span. There 1/third negative for the off base answers.

First Stage for CBT  Total Time 60 Minute 2nd Stage For CBT Time 90 Minute  Relevant Trade Part B Time 60 Minute
RRB ALP Subject Total Question No. of Question  No. of Question
Mathematics 20
General Intelligence and Reasoning  25
General Science 20 100 75
General Awareness and Current GK  10
Total  75

Railway Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus 2022 Subject Wise 

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – RRB ALP CBT test will be led in two phases i.e., the First phase of CBT test and Second phase of CBT test. Applicants ought to qualify in the 2 degrees of test to get selected. Both the tests will be led through online mode as it were.

There is negative stamping for wrong answers endeavored by the applicants. Here is the prospectus referenced for the RRB ALP applicants who will go to the test. The schedule for each subject is beneath. If it’s not too much trouble Check it out.

RRB Loco Pilot Exam Allowed in Mathematics Topics

  • Number  System  (संख्या प्रणाली)
  • Addition, Subtraction, Folding, Division  (जोड़, घटाव, तह, विभाजन)
  • Exponent and radical (प्रतिपादक और कट्टरपंथी)
  • Different numbers (अलग संख्या)
  • Communication question  (संचार  प्रश्न)
  • Facilitation (सुगमता)
  • Recurring and Logarithmic (आवर्ती और लघुगणक)
  • Least common and greatest common factor  (कम से कम और सबसे बड़ा सामान्य कारक)
  • Percent  (प्रतिशत)
  • Profit and Loss (लाभ और हानि)
  • Discount  (छूट)
  • Average  (औसत)
  • Ratio and Proportion  (अनुपात और समानुपात)
  • Age related questions  (आयु से संबंधित प्रश्न)
  • Shared  (साझा)
  • Time and Distance  (समय और दूरी)
  • Bot and Stream  (बॉट और स्ट्रीम)
  • Diverse Number of data  (डेटा की विविध संख्या)
  • Permutation, accumulation and probability  (क्रमपरिवर्तन, संचय और संभाव्यता)
  • Number range  (संख्या सीमा)
  • The mixture  ( मिश्रण )
  • Mensuration  (क्षेत्रमिति)
  • Compound Interest  (चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज)
  • Simple Interest  (साधारण ब्याज)
  • Time and Work  (समय और काम)
  • Railway related  (रेलवे संबंधी)  

RRB Loco Pilot Exam Allowed in Reasoning Content :-

Verbal Reasoning (मौखिक तर्क):- 

  • Coding – Decoding  (कोडिंग- डिकोडिंग)
  • Classification (वर्गीकरण)
  • Homogeneity test (सदृश्यता परीक्षण)
  • Number and letter series (संख्या तथा अक्षर श्रंखला)
  • Blood relation (रक्त संबंध)
  • Direction test (दिशा परीक्षण)
  • Logical puzzles  (तार्किक पहेलियाँ)
  • Incorporation of justice  (न्याय निगमन)
  • Logical way diagram  (तार्किक वे आरेख)
  • Mathematical logics  (गणितीय संर्कियाएँ)
  • Input – Output  (इनपुट – आऊटपुट )
  • Hierarchy and sequence (श्रेणीक्रम और अनुक्रम)
  • Linear, Circular and Complex Composite Systems (रेखीय, व्रतीय तथा जटिल मिश्रित व्यव्स्थाए)

Non-Verbal Reasoning (गैर-मौखिक तर्क):- 

  • The series  (श्रंखला)
  • The dice  (पासा)
  • Classification (वर्गीकरण)
  • Analogy  (सादृश्यता)
  • Counting pictures (चित्रों को गिनना)
  • Cutting, folding and folding paper (कागज को काटना, जोड़ना और मोड़ना)
  • Picture completion (चित्रों को पूर्ण करना)
  • Turn diagram  (सलंगन आरेख)
  • Water reflection  (जल प्रतिबिंब )
  • Mirror reflection  (दर्पण प्रतिबिंब)
  • Calendar (कैलंडर)
  • Clocks (घड़िया)
  • Cube and Cuboid (घन और घनाभ)

Analytical reasoning विश्लेषणात्मक तर्कशक्ति:-

  • Introduction to analytical reasoning  (विश्लेषणात्मक  तर्कशक्ति का परिचय)
  • Statement and logic (कथन और तर्क)
  • Cause and effect (कारण तथा प्रभाव)
  • Statement and action  (कथन और कार्यवाही)
  • Statement and conclusion  (कथन और निष्कर्ष)
  • Assertion and reason  (अधिकथन और कारण)
  • Statements and assumptions  (कथन और पूर्व-धारणाए)

RRB Loco Pilot Exam Allowed in General Science

  • Basics of Everyday Science  (हर दिन विज्ञान की मूल बातें)
  • Human body  (मानव शरीर)
  • Food and Nutrition   (खाद्य और पोषण)
  • Health care  (स्वास्थ्य  देखभाल)
  • Environmental and Ecological Changes Impacts  (पर्यावरणीय और पारिस्थितिक परिवर्तन प्रभाव)
  • Biodiversity   (जैव  विविधता)
  • Biotechnology  (जैव  प्रौद्योगिकी)
  • Genetic Engineering  (जनन विज्ञानं अभियांत्रिकी)
  • Agriculture  (कृषि)
  • Horticulture  (बागवानी) 
  • Forestry and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan (राजस्थान के विशेष संदर्भ के साथ वानिकी और पशुपालन)
  • Development of Science  (विज्ञान का विकास)

RRB Loco Pilot Exam allowed in General Awareness & Current Affairs Topics

  • Sports.  (खेल)
  • Current Affairs (National and International). [करंट अफेयर्स (राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय)]
  • Major Financial/Economic News. (प्रमुख वित्तीय / आर्थिक समाचार)
  • Financial limit and Five Year Plans. (वित्तीय सीमा और पंचवर्षीय योजनाएं)
  • Books and Authors. (पुस्तकें और लेखक)
  • Grants and Honors. (अनुदान और सम्मान)
  • Science – Inventions and Discoveries. (विज्ञान – आविष्कार और खोज)
  • Significant Days. (महत्वपूर्ण दिन)
  •  Worldwide and National Organizations. (दुनिया भर में और राष्ट्रीय संगठनों)

RRB ALP Assistants Loco Pilot Exam Preparation  

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – The RRB ALP prospectus for Quantitative Aptitude, General Reasoning and General Awareness are equivalent to the schedule for other government tests. Up-and-comers getting ready for the test can allude to the bank tests schedule for more subtleties. Since the schedule is tremendous the readiness required is likewise exceptionally comprehensive and applicants must note that the previously mentioned planning tips can be of extraordinary assistance for up-and-comers.

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – Unraveling RRB ALP earlier year question papers, mock tests and practice papers will assist applicants with scoring more in the real RRB ALP test. For more investigation material for the RRB ALP test, applicants should consistently check this page to remain refreshed with all the significant notices and subtleties.

Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus – The assembling Regional RRB will set up a web-based interface for encouraging on the web application and different techniques. The provisional date for RRB ALP Recruitment 2022 is yet to be declared. RRB ALP 2022 will be a pen and paper-based test. There will be 6 segments in the test comprising of numerous decision questions. The outcome will be pronounced on the official site of the taking an interest RRB.

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Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus, Railway ALP Assistant Loco Pilot Exam Syllabus

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